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Introduction au Théâtre Post-dramatique
Première: 03-10-2016
Fil Bleu - Aréma/Studio Théâtre d'Art de Lomé
Invitation from colleague Rodrigue Norman led to a dozen of students of STAL to participate in a
a two weeks workshop on the subject of postdramatic theatre. The workshop was partly theoretical
(using the french translation of Lehmann's study on postdramatic theatre) and partly practical
to gain access to methods and practices that don't depend on texts in order to create theatre.
This workshop form one of the series of related workshops to which the students can subscribe.
Prior experience of the theatre is required. Rdorigue himself, together with the adminsitrateur
of the STAL, Joe Ajavon, had presented a workshop on the main 20th century currents in theatre
prior the the one Javier presented. The workshop was finished by a short presentation of the
developed material.