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Atelier de Mise en Scène
Première: june 2010
Fédération Nationale du Théâtre
INSAAC, Abidjan, Côte d' Ivoire
Acho WEYER (Fenath), and theatre groups from the communities of Abobo, Port Bouet, Bingerville, Université d' Abidjan, Yopougon, Treichville
 photo de famille with the stage directors and the director of the FENATH (on the extreme left)
During three weeks, Javier travelled from group to group, working with them in their own communities. All the groups were preparing a new show and Javier accompanied the young stage directors.
The main theme of the workshop being: the unity between content, method and form.
 Working session at the Abobo cultural centre
 Final presentation of the university group at the INSAAC